This study looked at how well young hybrid tilapia can handle salty water, focusing on their salinity tolerance levels. Specifically, researchers tested how much salt these hybrids could withstand using salinity indices: Median Lethal Salinity (MLS), Mean Salinity Tolerance (MST), and Optimum Salinity Tolerance (OST).

Over a 25-day period, the fish were gradually exposed to more salt (3 ppt more each day). The results showed that the progenies of the two reciprocal crosses of 𝑖BEST hybrid tilapia showed no major differences in their ability to

The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), through its National Inland Fisheries and Technology Center (NIFTC), National Freshwater Technology Center (NFTC) and Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Division (IFAD) facilitates the first ever National Catfish Dialogue that seeks to support the country’s thriving catfish industry

Led by Agriculture Undersecretary Drusila Esther Bayate and BFAR OIC Director Isidro Velayo, Jr., the dialogue, which will run from November 4 to November 6, brings together stakeholders across the catfish value chain, including fish farmers, processors, and traders, all